JUSINDO, Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2025
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207
Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |382
Analysis of Inpatient Registration Information System on The Timeliness of
Inpatient Services at Hamba Regional Hospital
Qurrota 'Aini
, Yuyun Yunengsih
, Johni S. Pasaribu
Politeknik Piksi Ganesha, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Registration;
Hospitalization; Fishbone
Diagram; Timeliness
This research aims to evaluate the inpatient registration
information system at RSUD Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe. This
research is a descriptive qualitative research with the research
respondents being inpatient registration admission officers at
RSUD Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe. This research is a
qualitative research using the scrum method. Findings from
interviews with admissions officers showed several factors
affecting the timeliness of registration, including human
resource shortages, delays in procurement of materials,
suboptimal procedures, slow computer systems, and limited
funding. The analysis resulted in recommendations for
improvement, additional staff, improved technological
equipment, material and fund management, and consistent
implementation of SOPs. In addition, regular training and
evaluation for staff is required to ensure that procedures are
followed correctly and efficiently.
Correspondent Author: Qurrota 'Aini
Articles with open access under license
A hospital is an institution that provides complete individual health services, including
inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services (Permenkes, 2019). One of the services provided
is inpatient care, which provides medical services to patients in less than 24 hours. The inpatient
registration place is a front-line service unit and is the responsibility of medical records in each
hospital, starting from registration to recording patient document data. Therefore, medical
records are documents containing patient identity data, examinations, treatments, patient
actions, and other services that have been provided to patients (Permenkes, 2022). In today's
information era, information plays an important role in decision-making by individuals and
government agencies. Information is now easier to obtain, more diverse in form, and its
usefulness is increasing. With the rapid development of technology, the need for information
has become very important so that it must be accessible anytime and anywhere. This facilitates
fast and accurate access to information, thereby reducing unwanted errors and including
important information related to patient data (Rusman & Suwardoyo, 2022).
The system is a unit of procedures that are combined and created to record and supervise
the implementation of activities related to one of the fields in a hospital or company. In the
hospital there are inpatient services. According to Endang Sutisna (2022, p. 322) inpatient
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services are services for patients for observation, diagnosis, treatment, nursing, medical
rehabilitation by staying in an inpatient room at a health facility with a place of care that due to
illness the patient must stay in the hospital. The hospital has an inpatient registration system
that aims to register patients to manage patient data who are treated until they are discharged
from the hospital (Ripriyanti & Hidayati, 2021).
Hospitals are part of social and health organizations that provide curative and preventive
services, and function as centers for health training and medical research (Tanjung et al., 2023).
Hospitals also have an important role in providing health services evenly, prioritizing healing
and health recovery, and supporting health worker education and research, in accordance with
Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation No. 159 of 1988. To
carry out its duties, hospitals have several main functions (Article 4 of Law No. 44 of 2009).
These functions include: 1) providing standard treatment and health recovery services, 2)
maintaining and improving individual health through second and third level health services
according to medical needs, 3) organizing education and training for human resources to
improve their ability to provide health services, and 4) conducting research and development
of technology in the health sector by paying attention to scientific ethics (Haryanti et al., 2024).
Medical records are files containing notes and documents about patient identity,
examinations, treatments, actions, and other services that have been provided to patients at
health facilities. These files include anamnesis, diagnosis, examinations, and medical actions
given to patients both in inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services (Amran et al., 2022).
Medical records aim to provide information about patients to all parties providing care or
treatment. According to Minister of Health Regulation Number 269/ MenKes/Per/III/2008,
medical records are divided into two types: 1) Conventional Medical Records, which are paper
files with contents according to applicable regulations, and 2) Electronic Medical Records,
which use electronic information technology and are regulated by separate regulations (Putri et
al., 2024).
A system is a collection of subsystems, components, or procedures that interact with each
other to achieve certain goals and produce the desired output. This system is an integrated
network of procedures to carry out the main activities in a company, organization, or hospital.
Within the system there are procedures and components that involve people and are designed
to ensure the handling of transactions in companies, organizations, and hospitals. System
components include: system components that interact to form a whole, system boundaries that
separate the system from its external environment, the external environment that affects system
operations, connections between components for resource flow, input as processed data, output
that is useful as input for other subsystems, processing to convert input into output, goals and
objectives that direct the system, and feedback to control deviant processes. Systems can be
classified as abstract and physical systems, natural and man-made, certain and uncertain, and
closed and open systems (Irianto et al., 2021).
Inpatient care is an individual health service that includes observation, diagnosis,
treatment, nursing, medical rehabilitation, with an overnight stay in an inpatient room at a
hospital health facility where for medical reasons the patient must stay overnight. There are
four types of inpatient care in hospitals: 1) Emergency care for patients who need immediate
assistance, 2) Complete inpatient care that provides comprehensive health services according
to patient needs, 3) Referral services for patients referred by other health facilities for diagnosis
or therapy, and 4) Outpatient surgery services that perform surgery with patients being
discharged on the same day (Haryanto et al., 2023).
According to the KBBI, analysis is an investigation of an event (an essay, action, etc.).
To find out the actual situation (cause, cause, problem, etc.). According to Goverde (2017, p.
111) punctuality means that the implementation of services in the community can be completed
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within a specified time period. Increasing punctuality can be done if there is synergy between
regulators and operators with a good planning system, setting operational standards.
Addressing these issues is crucial to improving hospital service delivery. This study aims
to evaluate the inpatient registration information system at Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe Regional
Hospital, focusing on identifying factors influencing timeliness and providing actionable
recommendations for system improvement.
Research methods
The research design in this study uses qualitative descriptive. The subjects in this study
were officers at the inpatient registration and inpatients. And the objects in this study were
inpatients. The variables in this study were divided into 5 elements, namely man, material,
method, machine, and money. The instruments in this study were interviews and observations.
The location of the study was carried out at the inpatient registration at the Haji Abdoel Madjid
Batoe Regional Hospital in Rengas Condong, Muara Bulian, Batang Hari Regency, Jambi. The
data in this study were primary data obtained from interviews and observations and secondary
data obtained or collected by researchers from various existing sources or research data
obtained indirectly. The stages in qualitative descriptive research are as follows:
1. Determining research objectives
2. Selection of research subjects.
3. Identification of research variables
4. Selection of research location
5. Data collection.
Furthermore, this research also uses data collection techniques which are divided into:
1. Semi-structured or structured interviews were conducted with inpatient registration
officers and inpatients. Questions were designed to explore information about the
predetermined research variables (man, material, method, machine, and money).
2. Participatory or non-participatory observation, where the researcher observes the situation
and records everything relevant to the research variables.
3. Collect data from existing documents, reports, or records related to the inpatient
registration process at Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe Regional Hospital.
4. Literature study, begins with the process of searching for information related to the
creation of web applications through research journals, articles, and books so that in the
application design process, strategic steps can be planned in the application creation
Fishbone diagram, also known as cause-effect diagram, is a quality improvement tool
developed by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa in 1915. This diagram systematically depicts the path leading
to the root cause of a quality problem. The steps in creating it include defining the problem,
brainstorming potential causes, drawing the diagram with main categories such as raw
materials, methods, people, machines, measurements, and environment, placing the causes in
the appropriate category, finding the root cause, and developing collective action based on the
analysis results. The advantages of this diagram include identifying the root cause, generating
solution ideas, further investigating the facts, creating desired results, discussing the issue
comprehensively, and generating new ideas (Coccia, 2020).
The inpatient registration system using the fishbone method includes elements of man,
material, method, machine, and money. Man refers to the involvement of human resources that
affect the medical record system, including health workers such as doctors and nurses. Material
includes the infrastructure needed, such as computers and HVS paper. Method is the registration
procedure or workflow. Machine involves equipment such as printers and barcode machines to
Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |385
support operations. Money refers to the funds needed to support the medical record system and
other operations, including purchasing equipment and paying salaries to workers (Anggryani et
al., 2024).
Results and Discussion
From interviews with the head of the room and admissions officers at Haji Abdoel
Madjid Batoe Hospital, information was obtained regarding the inpatient registration process.
Patients who require hospitalization must first obtain an inpatient order (SPRI) from a doctor
in the ER or polyclinic. Furthermore, the patient's family brings this letter to the admissions
department to complete the administrative data and search for a room. After the room is
available, the admissions department contacts the room that will receive the patient. If the
patient has been placed in a room, the responsibility is transferred to the nurse. The archives
of patients who have been discharged are returned to the medical records unit. The data
required for inpatient registration include KTP, Family Card, and BPJS card or other health
insurance. This process involves recording the identity of the person in charge of the patient
and completing the administrative files in the hospital system. Socialization regarding the
inpatient registration process has been carried out and followed by the ER admissions officers.
SOPs regarding inpatient registration also exist, and their benefits are recognized as important
by officers to speed up the process and make work easier. The registration process can be seen
in the following image:
Figure 1. Patient Registration Flow
Source: Research data, 2024
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Then, behind that, there are still some obstacles in the implementation of inpatient care.
Problems that often occur in the implementation of inpatient registration include errors in
writing data, slow computer systems, and lack of manpower in the admissions department.
Admissions officers often have to go back and forth because of incomplete SPRI such as the
absence of the name of the doctor in charge. The timeliness of inpatient services is generally
good but sometimes constrained by a slow system. This causes the waiting time for the patient's
family to be longer. Lack of staff also results in less than optimal service.
By using the fishbone diagram method, the analysis of the inpatient registration information
system at Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe Hospital includes five main elements, namely man,
material, method, machine, and money. From the results of interviews with related officers, the
following results were obtained.
1. Man (Human Resources)
Human resources in the admissions department play a crucial role in inpatient
registration. Interviews with admissions officers 1 and 2 showed that understaffing slowed
down the administration process and reduced service delivery. Additional staff and continuous
training are needed to improve efficiency and reduce errors in data entry. The performance of
superiors was also considered quite good by admissions officers in directing and disciplining
staff. The provision of SOP training was also very helpful in ensuring that procedures were
followed correctly.
2. Materials (Materials and Infrastructure)
The materials used include hardware such as computers, scanners, and printers.
Interviews showed that problems often arise when there is a delay in the procurement of
necessary materials, such as paper or printer ink. The provision of sufficient and timely
materials must be ensured for smooth administrative processes. Admissions officers stated that
materials that are not available quickly can cause delays in the patient registration process.
Therefore, management needs to improve the procurement system to ensure that operational
needs are met.
3. Method (Procedure and Workflow)
Clear SOPs and workflows have been in place and socialized. Interviews with ward heads
and admissions officers indicated that consistent implementation and regular evaluation are
needed to ensure that all procedures are followed correctly. This will help reduce patient waiting
times and increase their satisfaction with hospital services. Officers also suggested that SOPs
be updated regularly to keep up with technological developments and hospital needs. Regular
evaluation and feedback from field officers are also important to ensure that the implemented
SOPs are truly effective.
4. Machine (Equipment and Technology)
Slow computer system constraints often hamper the registration process. Interviews
indicated that investment in better equipment and technology and regular maintenance are
needed to speed up the administration process and reduce patient waiting times. Admissions
officers 1 and 2 also stated that the system often experiences errors that hinder their work.
Improving the quality of the network and hardware can help overcome this problem. In addition,
training on the use of technology for officers is also needed to improve efficiency.
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5. Money (Funds)
The availability of adequate funds for operations is very important. Funds are used to
purchase equipment, materials, and labor salaries. Interviews with officers showed that good
financial management will ensure that all operational needs are met and support the smooth
running of the inpatient registration process. Management needs to ensure that the budget for
purchasing equipment and procuring materials is always available and sufficient. In addition,
investment in technology and staff training also requires adequate financial support to improve
the quality of hospital services. Based on the discussion of the 5 elements of the fishbone
diagram above, the following is a fishbone diagram that illustrates the factors that influence the
timeliness of inpatient registration at Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe Hospital.
Figure 2. Fishbone Diagram of Inpatient Registration
Source: Research data, 2024
Program Creation Needs
There are server device requirements and user device requirements (users) used in
running the inpatient registration information system program, among others:
Server device requirements used:
1. CPU: 4 Core
2. RAM: 4 GB
3. Storage: 120 GB
4. PHP, MySQL, NodeJs, Git
5. Programming Language: PHP, JavaScript
6. Framework: Laravel, Filament
7. Library Styling: Tailwind
8.Database: MySQL
The timeliness of inpatient
registration at Haji Abdoel
Madjid Batoe Regional
Hospital is influenced by a
lack of staff, delays in
procurement of materials
Lack of staff in the
admissions section, lack of
training in the use of SOPs,
and incomplete human
Delays in procurement of
materials such as paper and
printer ink, as well as low
quality equipment and
Inconsistency of procedures
with field needs and lack of
periodic evaluation and
updating of SOPs.
Slow computer systems and
errors in hospital computer
Budget constraints for
system maintenance and
Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |388
User device requirements that are used:
1. CPU: 2 Core
2. Ram: 4 GB / 1 GB Free
3. Storage: 64 GB / 10 GB Free
4. Web Browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Edge, Safari)
5. Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor
6. OS (Win 7 and above, Mac OS 10.10 and above, Ubuntu 18 and above)
System implementation
1. Login Menu
The login menu is the first page that will appear when the application website is run. The
Login menu has an email and password to enter the application. If the officer enters the wrong
email and password, the display will return to the login menu.
Figure 3. Login Menu
2. Dashboard View
Dashboard view is a visual display that presents various types of data in one centralized
place. In the dashboard there is a menu of the total number of stored patients, the total handling
of igd patients, the total hospitalization of patients and the total number of outpatients.
Figure 4. Dashboard view
3. Registration form
Registration form is a collection of patient identification data in the form of administrative
data in medical records containing identities that will facilitate the process of searching for
patient medical record data. On the website page select new registration to register a patient,
Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |389
fill in all patient identity data except the medical record number and then create. if the data is
successfully saved, a patient display will appear on the registration menu.
Figure 5. Registration form
4. handling display
The handling display is a process of action taken in providing services in an emergency
such as an igd. On the handling page, select the patient's name that has been registered, fill in
the doctor's name and other data then click create. If successfully saved, the data will appear on
the handling menu.
Figure 6. handling display igd
5. hospitalization form
The hospitalization form is a form that contains the identity of patients who have been
registered and treated in the IgD section. Patients who need special care and must stay overnight
at the hospital. On the hospitalization page, select the patient's name, fill in the room and class
type, pay type, admission date and time, discharge date and time, return status then click create.
If the data is successfully saved, the patient will appear in the inpatient menu.
Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |390
Figure 7. hospitalization form
6. outpatient form
The outpatient form is a form that contains the identity of patients who have registered
with the admissions department without the patient having to stay overnight. On the outpatient
page click the patient's name, date of admission, doctor's name and poly unit and patient status
then create. Patient status is filled in if the patient needs treatment and the data will move to
inpatient care. If the data is successfully saved, the patient data will appear in the outpatient
Figure 8. outpatient form
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the inpatient registration
information system at RSUD Haji Abdoel Madjid Batoe still needs improvement in several
aspects. To evaluate and improve the inpatient registration information system at RSUD Haji
Abdoel Madjid Batoe, it is recommended to increase the number of staff in the admission
section based on workload and patient volume to ensure faster and more efficient service.
Procure and maintain the necessary technological equipment to support a faster and more
accurate registration process. Optimize the use of materials and funds to support daily
operations, ensuring availability and consistent service quality. Implement existing SOPs
consistently to improve service standards and reduce errors in the registration process. Conduct
regular training and evaluation for officers to ensure they understand and apply procedures
correctly and efficiently, and stay up-to-date with the latest technological developments and
service methods.
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