Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 7, No. 1, Januari 2025 |383
services are services for patients for observation, diagnosis, treatment, nursing, medical
rehabilitation by staying in an inpatient room at a health facility with a place of care that due to
illness the patient must stay in the hospital. The hospital has an inpatient registration system
that aims to register patients to manage patient data who are treated until they are discharged
from the hospital (Ripriyanti & Hidayati, 2021).
Hospitals are part of social and health organizations that provide curative and preventive
services, and function as centers for health training and medical research (Tanjung et al., 2023).
Hospitals also have an important role in providing health services evenly, prioritizing healing
and health recovery, and supporting health worker education and research, in accordance with
Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation No. 159 of 1988. To
carry out its duties, hospitals have several main functions (Article 4 of Law No. 44 of 2009).
These functions include: 1) providing standard treatment and health recovery services, 2)
maintaining and improving individual health through second and third level health services
according to medical needs, 3) organizing education and training for human resources to
improve their ability to provide health services, and 4) conducting research and development
of technology in the health sector by paying attention to scientific ethics (Haryanti et al., 2024).
Medical records are files containing notes and documents about patient identity,
examinations, treatments, actions, and other services that have been provided to patients at
health facilities. These files include anamnesis, diagnosis, examinations, and medical actions
given to patients both in inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services (Amran et al., 2022).
Medical records aim to provide information about patients to all parties providing care or
treatment. According to Minister of Health Regulation Number 269/ MenKes/Per/III/2008,
medical records are divided into two types: 1) Conventional Medical Records, which are paper
files with contents according to applicable regulations, and 2) Electronic Medical Records,
which use electronic information technology and are regulated by separate regulations (Putri et
al., 2024).
A system is a collection of subsystems, components, or procedures that interact with each
other to achieve certain goals and produce the desired output. This system is an integrated
network of procedures to carry out the main activities in a company, organization, or hospital.
Within the system there are procedures and components that involve people and are designed
to ensure the handling of transactions in companies, organizations, and hospitals. System
components include: system components that interact to form a whole, system boundaries that
separate the system from its external environment, the external environment that affects system
operations, connections between components for resource flow, input as processed data, output
that is useful as input for other subsystems, processing to convert input into output, goals and
objectives that direct the system, and feedback to control deviant processes. Systems can be
classified as abstract and physical systems, natural and man-made, certain and uncertain, and
closed and open systems (Irianto et al., 2021).
Inpatient care is an individual health service that includes observation, diagnosis,
treatment, nursing, medical rehabilitation, with an overnight stay in an inpatient room at a
hospital health facility where for medical reasons the patient must stay overnight. There are
four types of inpatient care in hospitals: 1) Emergency care for patients who need immediate
assistance, 2) Complete inpatient care that provides comprehensive health services according
to patient needs, 3) Referral services for patients referred by other health facilities for diagnosis
or therapy, and 4) Outpatient surgery services that perform surgery with patients being
discharged on the same day (Haryanto et al., 2023).
According to the KBBI, analysis is an investigation of an event (an essay, action, etc.).
To find out the actual situation (cause, cause, problem, etc.). According to Goverde (2017, p.
111) punctuality means that the implementation of services in the community can be completed