Jurnal Sehat Indonesia: Vol. 6, No. 2, Juli 2024 | 659
Based on the research and development results of this nutrition education media, it
can be concluded that the product developed is a booklet-based learning media about the
importance of breakfast for junior high school students. This nutrition education media
was developed based on the purpose of research, namely developing and implementing
booklet-based nutrition education media to increase students’ nutritional knowledge
related to the morning eating habits of junior high school children. Based on the validation
test results, the media validation test obtained an average value of 4.08, which is classified
as very feasible. The results of the target validation test get an average value of 4.26,
which is classified as very feasible, so it can be declared very feasible for the target user.
Validation tests using CVI from material experts have values that fall into the category
of very appropriate. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that booklet
educational media about the importance of breakfast for junior high school students is
very feasible and suitable for nutrition education. From the research data using
educational media after conducting pre and post-tests on grade 7A and 7B students of
SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta, an average of pre-test 75 and post-test 85 were obtained. Thus,
the post-test results are higher than the pre-test results. From the paired t-test data,
students’ knowledge is significantly different because Sig. (2-failed) has a value of 0.00
less than 0.05. So, it can be concluded that there is a difference between pre and post-
tests. So, the test on the t-test statistics is declared valid and effective.
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